Friday, October 27, 2017

Pre Marriage Counseling & Family Planning Seminar

The pre-marriage counseling and family planning seminar is just half day or 1 whole day. After the seminar we got a certificate to secure our marriage license. We returned to the Local Civil Registry in Tarlac City Hall to give the certificate to the officer in charge. Be sure to photocopy certificates and other requirements before submission.

We attended the seminar Oct. 25, 2017 from 8am to 12nn at a building near Tarlac City Hall (Population Commission or PopCom office, 3rd floor, building near Conacor).

Around 7:50am we arrived at the PopCom office and filled out forms for registration. Then an officer/counselor interviewed us. She asked questions about our residence, jobs, livelihood, PhilHealth membership, if we already have kids, etc. It's a short interview and counseling to prepare us for marriage.

10+ couples attended the seminar. I heard that the seminar is usually held during Wednesday mornings up to afternoon. Schedule, seminar length, and venue might vary depending on the availability of the speakers, number of attendees, and other reasons. The speaker talked about the following things:
  • Importance of financial preparation
  • Computation of expenses for each child from birth up to college graduation
  • Introduction to family planning methods
  • The importance of strong families for a strong nation
  • Real-life experiences and challenges of some couples
In other words, the goal is to better prepare couples for starting a family and build awareness about building a strong and happy family towards a more prosperous and peaceful nation.

After the seminar (around lunchtime), they distributed the certificates and we the couples went back to the Local Civil Registry to complete our application for marriage license.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Tarlac job hiring: Where to find opportunities

Where to find Tarlac jobs? Here are some links:

Also Like and Follow the FB pages of the companies near you. Anytime they might post job vacancies. Also watch out for the new companies and buildings that are still in the construction phase. Sooner or later they'll need new staff and crew once the construction ends.

Marriage License Requirements Philippines

Here are the requirements for the application of marriage license:

  • NSO Birth Certificate and Cenomar (Certificate of No Marriage). This is to confirm your identities and eligibility for marriage.
  • Cedula (Community Tax Certificate, should be recent) for marriage purposes
  • Presence of the parents or written parental consent. You need this if either of you is age 25 or below (not sure about this).

A marriage license is similar to having a "permit to marry." This is to ensure that both of you are legally eligible to marry. In the birth cert they'll see your birthdate and know if you're at the right age now. In the Cenomar, this is to prove that you still haven't got married.

Okay let's go back to the requirements. First, go to the Local Civil Registry (at your city hall) and ask about the requirements. There might be more requirements than mentioned above. It might depend on your location, latest rules, and other reasons.

We got our NSO Birth Certificate and Cenomar through SM Business Services. We went there and filled out request forms. We paid less than P1,000. After 10 working days, we got the papers (prepare at least 2 photocopies and bring them along with the originals).

Then we returned to the City Hall and got a Cedula (one for each). Whether it's a requirement in your case or not to have parental consent, I think you'll fill out 3 identical forms. Double check the spelling and info you put.

The city hall staff will process your papers and you'll pay a fee (less than P1,000 in our case). They will check for discrepancies, errors, and inconsistencies. Someone will sign the papers and briefly orient you about additional requirements (e.g. certificate issued by your local environmental office, certificate of attendance in family planning seminar).

Take note, the requirements and overall process might vary in your case. This is just to give you an idea about marriage license requirements and processing. It's best to directly ask at the Local Civil Registry to be sure of the requirements.

Pre Cana Seminar How Long?

How long is a Pre Cana Seminar? It's 1 or 2 days. We attended the seminar Oct. 14, 2017 (Saturday, just 1 day) from 8am to 5pm in Tarlac City (Tarlac Cathedral). I heard some areas require 2 days of seminar. That's because there are a lot of topics to be covered.

Some of those topics are:
  • Preparation for the married life
  • Differences between men and women
  • Basics of financial planning
  • Conflict resolution
  • Religion
  • Children & family planning

In other words, it's a seminar for marriage preparation (the long term). It's one of the church wedding requirements. At the end of the seminar, couples will receive a certificate (this is important).

The seminars are scheduled (in Tarlac City I think it's just once a month). It's best to ask and reserve for a schedule at least months or weeks before your church wedding date. The church staff would notify you of the time and date of the seminar (of course both you and your partner should be present).