Thursday, November 9, 2017

Why Network Marketing is Bad?

First, you'll lose your friends. Second, most people just don't earn enough money with network marketing or multi-level marketing (MLM).

Most Pinoys in MLM just pretend to be earning thousands of pesos (and encashing checks every now and then) and having a new car. Only the top 1% (or maybe it's just the top 0.01%) are the lucky ones who can post in FB about their travels, car, and dream home. For the most of us, it's just impossible.

Many of the people who join network marketing have 1 or 2 (or all) of the following reasons:
  • Instant riches
  • Passive income
  • Thousands of pesos with zero effort
  • Overnight wealth
  • Just use your Facebook and start earning
  • Finally buy a car
  • Have your dream home
  • Easy money
  • You already have potential customers (aka your friends, relatives, classmates, and officemates)
  • With passive income you can travel the world
  • Brag about your checks and cash
  • The "glory" of earning money without work
  • Just the money itself
Let's go back to losing your friends when you're in MLM. Perhaps you've noticed already how some of your friends make annoying and spammy FB posts about their products, about how you can earn passive income? Lol. They're desperate. Also, they're trying to appeal to your greed. Imagine having thousands of pesos (or even millions?) earned without any effort, with just your Facebook and some health or beauty products?

Those people who make spammy FB posts will lose their friends one by one. They're using Facebook and their "friends" and classmates to get customers. "User-friendly" as they say. Many of them are friendly because they can use you for their self-interests.

Why network marketing is bad?

It's bad because people think of it as magic. Zero effort and the money comes in. They think of it as a solution to all their problems.

But the truth is there's no magic. Even with legit MLM you need to work hard. All types of businesses require some work so you can succeed. There are legit MLM out there and the successful people are busy posting about their awesome lives. Those who failed are just silent. We don't often hear stories about people who failed. We only read about successful people who have exaggerated lives.

Some people automatically think of MLM as scam. Well, there are hundreds of stories about network marketing ending up as scams. People lost their money (worse, their relatives and friends also lost money).

How to know if it's a scam? If it's too good to be true, it's probably a scam. Also, it's good to read the checklist from Securities and Exchange Commission. It will give you some ideas if something's a scam.

Summary and conclusion

In short, don't believe in magic when it comes to earning money. To earn money, get a job or start a business/sideline. The key is to sell a product or service in exchange for money.

If you still want to go for MLM, make sure it's legit and credible. Take note that besides your money, your reputation (and number of friends) is also at stake.

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